Anne Arundel Medical Center | Living Healthier Together | Early Fall 2014 - page 10

Can Cancer Be
By making good choices in your
everyday life, you can have a
powerful impact on your
risk of cancer:
If you smoke, quit.
Maintain a healthy
Exercise 30 minutes
a day.
Eat a healthy diet,
including plenty of
fruits and vegetables.
Limit your salt intake.
Avoid alcohol.
Wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.
Get screened.
Although cancer may never be completely
eliminated, experts agree that the best hope
for shrinking the number of a ected people is
to prevent as many cancers as possible.
For a free
Cancer Prevention
booklet, visit
or call
Genetic counseling
might sound a little
extraordinary, but
there are a number of
reasons why ordinary
people seek it out.
A couple planning
a pregnancy may have
concerns about a family history of disease.
Or a woman whose mom and sister both
had breast cancer might want to know
more about her risk.
“If you’re wondering about a genetic
(inherited) condition and how it could
a ect your life, a trained genetic counselor
may be able to help,” says Carol Tweed, MD,
oncologist and hematologist.
Why seek help?
Your doctor is the best person to advise
you on seeing a genetic counselor. But here
are some reasons you might consider it:
A certain disease is linked to your
ethnic group, such as sickle cell disease
in African-Americans.
You or a family member has a
known genetic condition.
You have a family history of early-onset
cancer or have several family members
with the same type of cancer.
You’ve had problems getting pregnant
or carrying a pregnancy to term.
A test during pregnancy came back
with abnormal results.
“A genetic counselor can discuss options
available to you. Depending on your
situation, that might include undergoing
genetic testing, talking about preventive
measures or treatments, or going over
reproductive choices,” says Dr. Tweed.
Before you go
If you decide to seek genetic counseling,
ask your doctor for a referral. Genetic
testing is often covered by medical
insurance, though it is a good idea to
check your own policy.
Before your appointment with a genetic
counselor, it may be helpful to glean
information about your family’s medical
history from relatives.
Also, write down your questions and
concerns in advance. Be prepared to tell
the counselor what’s important to you
and the plans you have for your life.
Be sure you understand the bene ts
and risks of testing. Talk to the counselor
about the emotional e ects of both
knowledge and uncertainty.
“If you decide to see if you have a gene
that increases your risk for a disorder or
passing that disorder on to a child, be
aware that test results become part of your
medical record,” advises Dr. Tweed.
e federal GINA (Genetic Information
Nondiscrimination Act) legislation prohibits
health insurers and most employers from
discriminating against individuals based
on genetic information. Life, disability and
long-term care insurance have no protection
from genetic discrimination on the federal
level or in many states.
Sources: National Human Genome Research Institute,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
What’s in
Your Genes?
Next up on docsTALK: Get a dose of the docs as they discuss how genetics
and lifestyle factor in your risk for cancer. November 20, 6pm. Register to
attend the show at
Carol Tweed, MD
To learn more about genetic counseling, visit
or call
Your Tune-Up
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