Leading the Way
Two years after establishing the Rapid
Access Chest and Lung Assessment
Program, AAMC has become a national
leader in treating patients with lung cancer.
The program represents a new model that
speeds diagnosis and treatment for the
leading cause of cancer death worldwide.
The program, led by Thoracic Surgeon
Stephen Cattaneo, MD, received
national attention when the Association
of Community Cancer Centers
recognized AAMC’s Geaton and
JoAnn DeCesaris Cancer Institute
with a 2012 Innovator Award.
We were honored to accept this
award and impressed with the number
of cancer centers interested in learning
how to replicate our program,” says
Cathy Copertino, RN, executive
director of the Institute. “Lung cancer is
a complex disease, and so is its treatment.
A tremendous amount of teamwork is
necessary to offer the quality of care that is
the hallmark of our rapid access program.”
Traditionally, primary care providers
coordinate tests to diagnose and manage
care for patients with abnormal chest
findings. Through the rapid access
program, any physician can refer
these patients to AAMC’s team of
specialists. Experts, including radiologists,
pulmonologists, medical and radiation
oncologists, thoracic surgeons, nurses, and
others, come together to evaluate results,
A AMC MAGA Z I N E | W I N T E R 2 01 3
Collaboration Brings Swift Diagnosis, Accurate
Treatment to Lung Cancer Patients
The Rapid Access Team
From left: Luqman Dad, MD,
radiation oncologist; Teresa
Putscher, RN, OCN, nurse
navigator; Stephen
Cattaneo, MD, medical
director, thoracic oncology;
Maria Geronimo, RN,
thoracic oncology program
coordinator; Peter Graze, MD,
medical oncologist;
Avedis Meneshian, MD,
thoracic surgeon.