the Way
In good health,
Tori Bayless
President and CEO
Anne Arundel Medical Center
» A AMC MAGA Z I N E | L AT E F A L L 2 014
It’s the Little Things
Isn’t it funny how seemingly
little things, like a sympathetic
ear, a good night’s sleep, or
breaking a bad habit can make
a big difference in your life and
your health?
Studies have proven that unhealthy levels of stress,
depression and anxiety can wreak havoc with your
hormones, immune system, heart health, and blood
pressure. Tending to your emotional health can improve
your quality of life. It also may help your body fight
infections, recover from an illness, and prevent
chronic disease.
Here are some ideas for helping the mind-body
balance grow strong:
It changes how the body responds to
stress and improves mood too.
Find healthy ways to relax.
Some people use
music, art, prayer, woodworking, reading, or even
10-minute walks to lower stress in their lives.
Express yourself.
Negative feelings and fears
that are bottled up may flow out as aches, pains and
problems. A trusted friend or advisor may be able
to help you focus on positives and work through
challenges. Check out the story on page 4 about three
stroke survivors and how peer mentors helped them
heal—emotionally and physically.
be honest with your doctor
about the
stresses and challenges you face. Ask for help if
you think you’re feeling depressed. Your doctor
can suggest many ways to improve your health and
wellness. See the article on page 6 about signs and
symptoms of depression in men.
Making small changes can make a huge difference in
how you feel.
Share your story